Meet one of the most interesting twins in Manila, An & En Estrada.
What do they do? They're real estate directors. But you probably already know them from their blog,
One of the best hidden gems in Manila.
An: Escolta Saturday Market
En: Oar House
Name three things you can't live without.
An: Passport, denim shorts & skateboard
En: Contax g2, my rabbit & vintage shirts
Favorite Quote.
An: Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you. -Kanye West
En: Nothing good gets away. - John Steinback
Best piece of advice ever given to you.
An: You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
En: Destroy what destroys you.
Describe your style.
An: Boy meets girl.
En: I'm with the band.
Cheers to being you,